(1) 了解历史know history
(2) 增长知识enrich my knowledge
(3) 激发想象inspire my imagination
(4) 培养创造develop my creativity
(5) 艺术品位develop a taste of art
(6) 陶冶情操cultivate my temperament.
(7) 艺术鉴赏cultivate my aesthetic judgment.
(8) 消磨时间It’s a great way to kill time.
(9) 放松方式It’s a wonderful way to unwind=loosen up
(10)丰富生活It can spice up my life.
(11)大饱眼福I can feast my eyes on the breathtaking view.
(12)心情大好It can always put me in a good mood.
(13)放空自己It can make my mind go completely blank.
(14)家人团聚It’s an amazing way to enjoy the quality time.
(15)沐浴阳光It’s a wonderful place to soak up the warm sunshine.
(16)远离喧嚣stay away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities.
(17)保持健康It’s a great way to keep fit.
(18)缓解压力It’s an amazing way to ease the pressure.
(19)广交朋友It’s a great way to expand my circle of friends.
(20)开阔视野It can help me broaden my horizons.