2012年8月25日的雅思考试 刚刚结束,小编也在第一时间整理了2012年8月25日雅思听力部分的真题解析,2012年8月25日雅思听力真题 中可以看出,旧题出现的频率还是比较高的,希望对接下来备考雅思听力考试的同学有所帮助。
2012年8月25日雅思听力考试的题目配置为:3旧1新。Section 1为:填空题 + 单项选择题 + 多项选择题;Section 2为:单项选择题 + 配对题;Section 3为:填空题;Section 4为:填空题 + 表格题。今天的考试以填空题为主导24道。据参加考试的同学反映本场考试的难度平均且没有难度上的起伏,所以,总体难度为:中等。 S1=V09103S1;S2=新题:一项活动相关事宜的讲解与介绍;S3=V06130S3;S4=V66S4。
Section One:
雅思听力 填空题:
1. Surname: Thorn
2. Length: 5 days
3. Station near: Gold Coast
4. Accommodation: apartment
5. The near view photo taken of the … ------ C. crocodile
6. Where does the boy like to go in amusement park? ----- A. water park
7. The room is near ----- C. shopping center
8. A. Playroom
9. E. Laundry
10. F. Cleaning aid kit
Section Two:
11. Walk适合什么人? ----- B. family with kids
12. 最多maximum volunteers多少人?----- B. 280
13. 为什么去年取消?----- A. not enough volunteers
14. 什么人会被拒绝?----- B. poor performance
15. Badge什么时候给?----- A. order online in advance
A. 建议带
B. 随便带不带
C. 不建议带
16. Thick trousers ----- B.
17. Mobile phones ----- C.
18. Torch ----- C.
19. Raincoat sack ----- A.
20. Food and water ----- B.
Section Three:
21. total number of hours
22. range of English level
23. names of the teachers
24. college resources available on the campus
25. textbook lessons
26. cultural media studies
27. skill focus
28. unusual methods
29. research subjects: skills, examples: business visits and activities
30. objectives of summary essays
Section Four:
31. There is some man-made materials, such as the example of plastic
32. Natural: need to undergo processing before use
33. Wood: cut and seasoned --- timber
34. Stone: cut and polished
35. 说建筑处理环境因素,还要考虑cost
36. The properties of different materials varies widely, for example, color and texture, and grain pattern of timer
37. Use mathematic formula to evaluate the quality of wood; because words are subjective, they are ambiguous in descriptions.
MaterialsReflectance Rate
Polished silverAlmost 1.0
Plastic painted white38. Approximately 0.8
Quarry tiles39. Approximately 0.1
40. black velvet Almost 0