2. Do it first in your own language 先用母语说
This is perhaps an unusual piece of advice. In the speaking, you should aim to be thinking and speaking in English as much as possible and not translating from your language to English. It can, however, sometimes help to practise the long turn part 2 in your own language first:
一般来说,最好是能用英语思维思考,并用英语回答。但是像Part2这种比较长的题目, 先用母语说可能会好一点。
some people struggle to speak in their own language for 2 minutes: they prefer short/concise answers and not longer more discussion type answers. So before you try it in English, make sure you can do it in your first language.
It helps you understand how long 2 minutes is and how much you need to say to fill that time.
if you record and listen to yourself in your first language, you will probably find yourself using quite a lot of “structure” language such as “As I mentioned before”. This is a lot of the language you need for part 2.
3. Don’t practise the whole part 2, do it bit by bit 不要一口吃成胖子,练习第二部分,慢慢来
Some people find part 2 frightening because they are worried they can’t speak for 2 minutes. Relax. You don’t have to. It’s much easier than that, you need to speak for不要担心2分钟很长,其实你要说的不过是:20秒+20秒+20秒+1分钟!
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
I minute
This is because there are always 4 points for you to talk about on the cue card. You want to try practising talking about the first 3 points on the cue card for about 20 seconds each (the who, where, what type questions). Make sure you don’t say “last year”, but you extend that a little . Then all you need to do is talk for 1 minute on the longer question at the end that is almost always about explaining something.