具有冒险精神的人 An adventurous person
讲外语的人 A person you met who speak foreign language
老人 An Old Person
国外名人 A famous foreign person
家庭 A family (not your family)
艺术家 An artist
崇拜的人 A person you admire
老友 A friend you know for a long time
儿时的朋友 A friend you had when you were a child
节目主持人 A TV/Radio presenter
讲外语的人 A person who speaks foreign language
老师 A teacher/childhood teacher you want to meet again
成功人士 A successful person
历史遗迹 An Historic Site
居住/参观过的城市 A city you have visited or lived in
水边的城市 A city near water you visit
现代建筑 A modern building
理想中的房子/公寓 A perfect house/apartment
购物中心 A shopping centre
公园 Garden
学校 The university you want to go
吃饭的地点 A place you sometime go for lunch/ A restaurant
酒店 Hotel
噪音 You visit a place where has a lot of noise
公司 A small company
一次帮助别人的经历 A time you helped others
环保 Something you do to protect Environment
教育 A series educational programme
旅行 A trip with a friend/ A long journey
家乡的变化 A recent changes to hometown
儿时经历 A naughty thing you did in your childhood
重要的庆祝 An important celebrate
庆祝活动 A cultural festival
步行经历 A walk you enjoyed with a friend
建议 Advice
儿时的爱好 Hobby in children
一天休闲生活One day except your working and studying time that you go for relax
项目 A project or job you work with others
儿时的一首歌 A Childhood Song
儿时的玩具A Childhood Toy
读过的书 A Book You Read
变化 The change in your lifestyle to improve your fitness and health
1. 题目囊括了近期口语考试中的最为核心话题。背景词汇及参考范文各位考生可参考新版《雅思口语五步致胜》及《攻克雅思28天黄金法则-创维式口语发》。
4. 本文所涉及到的所有话题均整理于考生回忆,个别话题可能与真题有所出入或有不足之处,望大家谅解!
5. 有关话题分类依据《雅思口语五步致胜》,为作者原创整理。