section 3
版本号:V30080 场景:whale survey 题型:填空题 单选题 配对题
简介:observations of whales 出海看鲸鱼,两个学生设计一个表格填有关观察到的鲸鱼的内容
21-24 填空题
Watch times (观察的次数原文说the times of watch)
The state of sea: calm or choppy (choppy 波浪起伏的)
Visibility: 100 meters
Then talked details: the presence of fishing boats
Mink whale 小胡须鲸
B. with hump back fins which are wavy;size is only a quarter of that of blue whale ;体型最小(is the smallest baleen whale about 25-30 feet long) Northern right whale 北露脊鲸
C. without fins 没有鱼鳍
Sperm whale 抹香鲸
A. with wavy fins on the back 波浪背脊
Blue whale 蓝鲸
D. with wavy fins on the back, and the largest one on the ocean.体型最大
对话:一个学生借的书(有关 bio..就是有关利用生物机能,人类利用在自己的建筑等设计中)过期了,因为他去了。。。。地方,学习。。。(这个地方有题,问去了那里干什么去了),要罚款了,图书管理员告诉他罚款高,他可以自己买,这个学生听了说不错,以前不知道,这个图书管理员说他了解这个学科,是从一个教授那里知道的,(有题问这个管理员说了啥意思),这个学生提出这个学科书籍少。。。注意这以后的对话没有出题点了,然后管理员又说有新书要来,还有一个教授要来给个讲座,学生说很想去。
社会学类,一个学生找教授谈论他下个 paper 的题目,是有关现代科技发展和分享的什么东西,教授让学生谈谈,现在城市交通和个人开车,学生举了个例子,说伦敦发展了。
1. 谈论共生,共息,这类题目,先让学生谈论3种分类和特点,然后说这个分类也不全,一个现象就没法归入其中,是一个鱼和一个小东西(它会短暂吸附在鱼身上)...
section 4
版本号:V110827S4 New 场景:学术讲座 题型:填空题 简介 澳洲鳄鱼研究
this time, the research is special because it is using a satellite in precious studies, it was done with radio
problem: always loosing signals
the crocodiles are not easily captured, as they are cautious to avoid people first waited a whole week, then they follow the most direct route way home tracking devices are set in the head of the crocodiles
relocate crocodiles by using a helicopter
how easily crocodiles can navigate
the crocodiles find their direction by using their sense to the sun crocodiles have same system like birds
lecture 3
欧洲和英国十几世纪的一种写作潮流,it-narrative,就是动物或者物体作主语,但要注意的是它们并不具备人的性格特征啥啥的。还提到了有的时候物会被带到其他地方,不一定会影响写作,提到了二十世纪的美国的一本小说。文章里提到这种写作方法形成的 原因及目的,有题,要注意:新大陆,新东西的发现什么的。
It-Narrative is a term coined to describe a particular sub-genre of fiction which developed in the eighteenth century, and has come under critical scrutiny in the last thirty years. These works recount the adventures of a non-human protagonist, such as a coin, a dog, a pin-cushion or a hackney coach, as it travels through society, encountering diverse characters and incidents. The coin describes its life story, and the numerous individuals into whose hands it falls, as it circulates through society. The hackney coach provides portraits of its various passengers; dogs and cats give an insider’s view of the lives of their numerous masters....
Section 1旧题=V10169 课程咨询 10填空
一个名叫Jan Cresiick 的女生咨询drama course
1. family name: Jan Cresiick
2. Address NO.79 palace street
3. date: the 30th May.
4.Time for attending the comic:5:30 pm
7.Essay write for the theoretical course
8.go to local theater