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  A Stephanie Jenouvrier

  B Gerald Kooyman

  C Phil Trathan

  D David Ainley

  E John Turner

  1. Penguin breeding is threatened by sea ice melting in advance.

  2. About 30% sea ice would disappear in the future.

  3. Penguin needs constant sea ice for feather changing.

  4. Dead chicks are easy to be counted after a storm.

  5. No sea ice left in case global temperature increased certain degrees.

  6. Sea ice provides foundation for Antarctic ecology.


  7. It is the female emperor penguin that carried more incubation duty.

  8. Evangelical Christian lives a similar lifestyle as penguin.

  9. With the advanced satellite photographs, fluctuation of penguin number is easily observed.

  10. Strong winds caused by Ozone depletion, blow away the sea ice.


  A The emperor penguin is an impossible bird. It breeds in the middle of winter in some of the coldest places on Earth, surviving temperatures as low as -50 °C and hurricane-force winds. In March or April, just as the Antarctic winter begins, the birds waddle across the sea ice to their colonies, where they mate. After the egg is laid, the females head back to sea to feed, leaving the males behind to incubate it. By the time the females return in July or August, when the eggs hatch, the males will have spent almost four months huddling together in the bitter cold without eating, losing half of their body weight. This extraordinary lifestyle has made the emperors famous. They have even been held up as role models by evangelical Christians. But these breathtaking birds will soon have to face the one thing they haven't evolved to cope with: warmth. Fast-forward a few decades, and many colonies will be on the road to extinction. Are we witnessing the last march of the emperor penguins?


  B Finding out what's going on with emperor penguins is a huge challenge as almost all of their colonies are exceedingly difficult to get to. In fact, it was only this year that the first global census of the birds was published, based on an automated analysis of satellite images by the British Antarctic Survey. This revealed four previously unknown colonies, bringing the total to 46 (see map), and put the number of adults at 600,000, nearly double earlier estimates. That might sound like good news, but it's impossible to say whether the overall number of birds is rising or falling. "It's simply that we now have a better method to find them - remote sensing," says team member Phil Trathan.


  C Last, but not least, the source of much of the penguins' energy, directly or indirectly, is krill - and krill also depend on sea ice. Young krill shelter and feed under it. "The sea ice is the basis of the Antarctic ecosystem," says Jenouvrier. For now, there is still plenty of sea ice. In fact, the extent of Antarctic sea ice in winter has increased slightly over the last 30 years. This has been caused by stronger winds blowing sea ice further away from the land, with more ice forming in the open water exposed by this movement. The stronger winds are thought to be a consequence of Ozone loss, rather than global warming.



  1 A new approach carried out in the UK

  2 Reasons why twisty path and dykes failed

  3 An alternative Plan illustrated in LA

  4 Traditional way of tackling flood

  5 Effort made in Netherlands and Germany

  6 One project on a river benefits three nations


  What TWO benefits will the new approach in the UK and Austria bring to us according to this passage?

  A It effectively stops the flood

  B We can prepare before flood comes

  C Decrease strong rainfalls around Alps

  D Reserve water to protect downstream towns

  E Store tons of water in downstream area


  A LAST winter's floods on the rivers of central Europe were among the worst since the Middle Ages, and as winter storms return, the spectre of floods is returning too. Just weeks ago, the river Rhone in south-east France burst its banks, driving 15,000 people from their homes, and worse could be on the way. Traditionally, river engineers have gone for Plan A: get rid of the water fast, draining it off the land and down to the sea in tall-sided rivers re-engineered as high-performance drains. But however big they dig city drains, however wide and straight they make the rivers, and however high they build the banks, the floods keep coming back to taunt them, from the Mississippi to the Danube. And when the floods come, they seem to be worse than ever. No wonder engineers are turning to Plan B: sap the water's destructive strength by dispersing it into fields, forgotten lakes, flood plains and aquifers.


  B Back in the days when rivers took a more tortuous path to the sea, flood waters lost impetus and volume while meandering across flood plains and idling through wetlands and inland deltas. But today the water tends to have an unimpeded journey to the sea. And this means that when it rains in the uplands, the water comes down all at once. Worse, whenever we close off more flood plain, the river's flow farther downstream becomes more violent and uncontrollable. Dykes are only as good as their weakest link--and the water will unerringly find it. By trying to turn the complex hydrology of rivers into the simple mechanics of a water pipe, engineers have often created danger where they promised safety, and intensified the floods they meant to end. Take the Rhine, Europe most engineered river. For two centuries, German engineers have erased its backwaters and cut it off from its flood plain.


  C Today, the river has lost 7 per cent of its original length and runs up to a third faster. When it rains hard in the Alps, the peak flows from several tributaries coincide in the main river, where once they arrived separately. And with four-fifths of the lower Rhine’s flood plain barricaded off, the waters rise ever higher. The result is more frequent flooding that does ever-greater damage to the homes, offices and roads that sit on the flood plain. Much the same has happened in the US on the mighty Mississippi, which drains the world’s second largest river catchment into the Gulf of Mexico.










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