辽大UKVI 7.28下午 Part1 问了名字 家乡 家乡都有什么 家乡交通怎么样 你喜欢走路还是骑自行车 Part2问 什么样的环境下发生什么会让你感到有一点生气 Part3是根据你Part2的回答扩展提问的
辽大 room4 男考官中年人,耐心语速慢,发音清晰不打断。 p1:study hometown transportation bus and taxi outside activity park p2:clouthes p3:fashion industry wearing in different situation
p1 住哪里 交通便利么 有什么噪音 喜欢什么什么声音 p2 有趣的传统 觉得不太好准备 p3 中国什么节日最重要 等我们老了大家还会庆祝传统节日么 年轻人喜欢传统节日么
海大405 1、house or apartment/want to change what part of your apartment 2、a short trip 3、the differences of traveling in summer and winter/the differences of traveling with friends and family
宁波大学507 1work or study,work一般做什么,喜欢work alone 还是with others 还有art.喜欢吗?有没有学过art,有去过art馆吗,如果有机会你会去学art吗。 2.some one you would like to spend time with. 3.多少时间和朋友家人在一起,现在的聊天工具有利于人们交流吗等等
厦门大学 p1 flower noisy p2 what do u do to keep fit and helathyp3问人们在中国怎么keepfit
湖大r16刚考完 考官略严肃 p1 住哪儿 交通怎么样 singing theater weekend p2 good leader会打断 p3领导人和品质相关
重庆川外,room5,P1:traffic in your hometown,hats,gifts;P2:your personality;P3除了跟这个有关,还问了神马成功人士所需的品质还有他们幸不幸福。
广西大学,昨天考的,study or work, dance, subjects that you enjoy most. Part2 describe a pleasant thing that you bought. when and wherePart3 ways to buy things, advantages and disadvantages of shopping online and in traditional shops, what people can do in a shopping mall
贵州大学刚考完,hometown,singing,how do people sing in your country. Advertisement, buying things, A skill you' ve learned as a child. What kind of skills do children want to have. Comeputer skills or instruments? 中间穿插各种cooking skill
广西大学302,P1 study dance music P2 friend P3 relationship
四川外国语学院5考场,part1. accommodation, dance, bicycle. part2. novel. part3. 一系列关于小说的问题,譬如国内流行什么小说,为什么
广西大学•白人考官,人还挺nice的。part 1:noisy part 2:wedding 我说到我在婚礼上接到了捧花,然而,我刚和男朋友分手,无奈只能把捧花给了别人...考官笑得不要太开心,所以自嘲也可以咯?!part 3:问了中国人婚礼一般会送什么礼物