首先,you SHOULD say 不是 you MUST say,也就是说 1.我们不是必须按照cue card的四个小问的顺序来说; 2. 个别不影响答案逻辑的小问即便没有答到也不会被扣分;3. cue card上没有问到的,但对你的答案逻辑比较重要的其他核心信息你有必要提及。雅思前考官simon在他的博客里也曾有回答过这个问题,大意也是如此
既然我们「不一定」要按照cue card的问题来回答,估计有烤鸭疑惑,为什么一般我们会建议大家根据cue card来回答呢?主要原因有3点。
● 不是所有烤鸭都能够紧扣主题来回答。
● 不是所有烤鸭都能逻辑清晰地回答问题。
● 不是所有烤鸭都有内容说到2分钟。
所以,按cue card来回答,是一种最保险的方法。
我们在回答PART 2的时候,可以从这几个角度出发来作答。
1) 简单介绍
2) 恰当的回忆
一般来说,题卡上小问的规律都是这样的:人物类话题,问你们是如何认识的,或是你们的关系; 地点类话题,问你什么时候去的,你和谁去。
3) 描述+拓展
毕竟PART 2要聊两分钟,所以烤鸭必要的拓展还是有必要的。在这里,大家可以聊细节,也可以举例子或者是做对比等等。
4) 个人观点/看法/评价
5) 畅想未来
聊到sport 就说希望自己未来能够坚持运动,保持健康;聊到polluted place也希望在未来这个地方能够有所改变;best friend,希望能够以后多多见面,保持这段关系,等等等等。
Describe a piece of clothing that someone gave you.
You should say:
who bought it for you;
why it was brought for you;
what it looked like;
and explain how you felt about it.
I wanna talk about a business suit that my parents bought me last year. I chose to mention it because it means a lot to me. It kind of got me into my first job.
My parents bought it when they heard I’d got an (internship) interview with one of the best accounting firms/IT companies in the city. They were really excited and proud, and decided to get me my first suit as a reward.
It was a regular black suit, nothing too fancy. It was actually a little bit big in size, which was good, because it covered up my funny belly, accented my wide shoulders, making me look more masculine.
(Ladies: It was a black suit that came with a one button blazer and a knee-length skirt, and went well with all kinds of shirts and heels. It was a flattering fit on me.)
As for how I felt about it, well, I felt a little bit uneasy at first, because it was the first suit ever in my life. But I loved it, because I thought I looked mature and sharp in it. Besides, it brought me luck and confidence. When I wore it to the interview, I sensed the compliment from the smiles of the interviewers, cuz you know, none of the other interviewees took it seriously enough to wear a suit. I was convinced I left a good impression, which boosted my confidence.
接下来就是我对这套衣服的评价啦!当然啦,烤鸭们也可以聊一聊“衣服”这个东西的重要性,比如说女生简单的一个make up就是大变样,男生的黑白搭是经典之类的!
As a result, I went through the interview surprisingly smoothly. Well, the suit must take the credit for it. Luckily, I got the job offer several days later. I wouldn't have nailed it without this magical suit. Perhaps in the future, I would have many different types of suits, but to be honest, they won’t be as valuable and meaningful as this one to me. The first is always the best.