Version 71/14
TASK 1 :给一个depart store写信应聘工作,说明你为什么写这封信,你的资历,应聘什么职位。
write a letter to apply a position in a local department store; include: what
position? your experience and related ability?
TASK2:在21世纪奥林匹克运动存在没有意义,2004年以后应该停止举行奥林匹克运动会。 TASK2 题目有点怪。有人说OYLMPIC GAME 不再有什么地位,2004年将是最后一次,同意与否。
someone think that olympic games will not play a role in 21st century, and think the 2004 game should be the last one.
agree or disagree?