雅思口语Part 3 至今还没有引起中国雅思考生的足够重视。大部分认为雅思口语Part 1回答流利,2-3句话可以搞定。再花大量的精力准备每个雅思口语Part 2问题的答案。等到雅思考试时间临近,雅思Part 3就是听天由命了。其实雅思口语Part 3 准备起来会比雅思Part 2更简单,更有意思。因为雅思Part 3 给了考生与雅思考官深度讨论问题的机会,也就是被赋予了更多发挥自由度。那么雅思口语Part 3 的讨论技巧有哪些?
雅思口语Part 3 问题一般是由雅思Part 2延伸而来,例如雅思Part 2 会考到这样的问题:
Describe a place you often visit
You should say:
Where the place is
How often you visit there
What it looks like
and explain why you like this place.
如果你回答图书馆library ,那么随之而来的问题很可能是:
What role do library play in your country(or city)?
Why do people visit library today?
What can we learn from books?
Is reading important? Why or why not?
通过这些雅思Part 3 问题我们就可以发现考官的问题思路方向:
在回答Part 3之前,先要明晰你的答案怎样会显得更有条理,有些词汇我们需要掌握:
for example / for instance / in other words / such as / to illustrate / that is
Resources / Communication / Atmosphere
The library in my city has several different roles . It provides us a wide range of books such as art, science, history and literature .It also offers us an opportunity to communicate with the author and people of the same taste of books, which is a pleasant and interesting way to spend a day. Most of all , it’s a great place for self-study. When I wanted to be loaf , I always saw a brunch of diligent people there and encouraged myself in study again. In other words, the atmosphere of the library could stimulate people to explore more.
1. Are birth day celebrations important in your country? Why or why not?
In my country , we believe that birthdays are important for everyone, especially for children. A child’s birthday is the day he gets to feel special and be the center of attention. Birthdays also help children feel like they are growing up and encourage them to act older.
2. How are old people treated in your culture?
In my country, older adults may be loved ,but they are not always respected. Within a family, for example, the parents and grandparents are loved and cared for. Outside of the family, it is different. At work, people may feel that older people can’t do the job as well because their minds are old or because they can’t keep up with new technology and work methods. Also , the images we see on TV and in the movies show us that youth is valued over old age.