雅思考试是重要的留学考试,口语是加分部分,那么雅思口语的话题有哪些?想必是不少出国人士比较关心的问题,和出国留学网一起来看看雅思口语Task2话题 关于自己想买的车!欢迎阅读。
雅思口语Task2话题 关于自己想买的车
Describe a vehicle you would like to buy.
You should say:
what kind of vehicle
why you would like to have it
how you would get it
and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.
Well, if I have enough money, I’d like to buy a top class Sport Utility Vehicle, which we often call for short SUV. Although designs vary, SUV is the kind of large car with an engine that supplies power to all four wheels.
I would like to have an SUV because most mid-size and full-size SUVs have three rows of seats with a cargo area directly behind the last row of seats. I suppose it is comfortable enough for a family trip so that we could drive to have a picnic when we’re in the mood for it.
Moreover, it usually has a car TV and people can watch DVDs on the road. Actually, you know, the price of an SUV is relatively higher than that of a sedan, but I have a strong desire for pursuing freedom so that self-drive tour never fails to fascinate me. And if I have an SUV, I can drive to anywhere I want to. SUV is the symbol of being crazy and wild and I suppose I need to work hard and let my dream come true as soon as possible.