发信人: origed(origed)
> stage1:what is your name? where are you come from? Can you describe your tow
n?Can you describe the street you live? what things do you like most in your home
town?can you tell me which festival you like most?and why?Do your friends like co
llecting thing?what benefits they can get?
> stage2escribe a person you know.you should sayow did you know each other?h
ow often do you meet each other?why do you think he or she is a good neighbour?
> stage3:what is the differents between neighbours and friends?现在城市中的邻里关
系怎么样?why the neighbourship in the countryside are better than that in cities
?Do you think it is necessary to establish a good neighbourship,why?What people u
sually do to improve their neighbourship?
※来源: 【无忧雅思社区】