task1:you attend a two-day cours,you are asked write a letter to the course orgniser。descripte detail about the cours and suggest how to improve。
task 2:some people beleive that the bicycle is best way to travel from one plase to the other。you talk about the advantage and disadvantages of the bicycle。
task 2: the education used to be a period of training,but today,people more commonly look it as a long for future to young.do you agree or disagree?reason
task1:you are traveled somewhere by train and something happened during the journey.1described the trained you took.2what happened? 3ask the train company to do what for you
task2:what is your opinion about taking a part-time job for high school or university student?
give your reason and some examples about own experience
task1:a small accident in the kitchen of your rent flat,writing letter to your landlord,explains the accident,damage,what should i do
task2:agree or disagree that the people spend much more money and time on their appearance and how they look than people did in the past.reason?use own experience.
task1:you take a taxi and you left something in english speaking country,write a letter to taxi company to get some help.
task2:modern technology makes people more free time,but actually they find they more busier.how far agree or dieagree this statement?reason ?own experience
task2现在由于international tourism对环境和local history有了不好的影响,是不是应该减少。你同意还是不同意。适当的时候用自己的经历加以说明。
v107 v108 v109
task1 you lost a bag of shopping in a museum, write a letter:1when and where 2described 包的特征和包内物品 3what they can do for you
task2 一些公司认为员工应该经常轮换工作岗位,一些公司认为该让员工一直做他自己的工作,你的认同哪一个?some companies changing responsibility/job regularly,others keep same job.which is advantage and which you prefer?reason?own experience
task1:你要到新的城市的new school study english.写封信告诉你的朋友,内空必须包括: 1。介绍你住的地方2。为什么你喜欢你住的地方3。介绍你的学习的class
task2:政府花大量的钱在public places的painting 上面,有些人反对这样做,认为应该花钱在一些更好的地方。do you agree or disagree?
task1:recently you moved to a new apartment write to you friend 1 tell him the reason 2.describe the new apartment 3.invite him
task2:some people agree that all kind jobs should be open to men and women.some think some jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women.discuss and give your opinion
task1:write a letter apologize your friend,because you did not go to your friend’s party
task2:young children should stay in kindergarten or nursery schools so that their mothers can return to work earlier,agree or disagree
task1 u moved to a new city and go to a language school, write a letter to ur friend, about where u r living, why choose that place,ur newschool or lesson
task2 it is wrong that gavoernment spend a large mount of money on artistic projects such as paining and sculpture,there will be other way to get the money. agree or not