

雅思口语学习网站: A Library

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2012-05-21 10:38


【 liuxue86.com - 雅思口语 】

本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《 A Library》。

Describe a library that you know

You should say:

where it is
when you went there
what books and facilities this library has
and explain what you like or dislike about this library


图书馆话题……看到它又让我想起了在英国时紧张而快乐的大学生活。甚至现在还能回味起爱丁堡大学图书馆里那古老的皮革与硬木(leather and hardwood)掺杂的味道。记得当时有张借书卡(library card),泡在图书馆里的时间很多。每次都是先去电脑上查一下书目(catalogue),然后把自己喜欢的书大借一通,如杂志(magazine),学术期刊(Journal),学科文献(literature for subject),甚至是有声读物(audiobook)。然后抱着叠成山的书跑回家慢慢品味。偶尔也有书已经被别人借走的时候,管理员(librarian)人很好,会帮我预留(on hold)。

素材库 when you went there?

Just yesterday I finally got a book that someone else had out until their last possible due date. I saw that I went from first on the list to it being available and I picked it up last night.
The public librarian who showed me when I was ten, how to use a card catalogue, and recommended Anne of Green Gables. That feeling of warmth and welcome. The quiet. The way aisles smelled of leather and hardwood. That first realization that I would never know all there was to know.
Well, talking about library memories.........
The most fond one I have is of my grade 10 one. My school had just finished renovating and the library was new. It was my last year at that school. We had our last literature lesson there and had also enacted our last play there as a class.

素材库 what books and facilities this library has?

My school library stinks, but I love the public library. they have the most comfortable couches ever. you can sit there and read all day, because no one really ever goes there.
All the classics, of course - from Shakespeare to Fitzgerald.
- A careful selection of contemporary texts: novels, short story collection, plays and poetry. Not necessarily the texts that sell well, but those with literary merit.
- A proper, big encyclopedia.
- A selection of non-fictional texts, such as biographies of important people (Gandhi, Napoleon, Mother Teresa etc.), travelogues, essays etc.
- Literature for each school subject - basic works about chemistry, physics, languages, politics etc.
Apart from the books, I'd like to see a number of non-paper based media, such as audiobooks, music CDs, DVDs, software etc.
Along with all the classics (Bronte, Hemingway, Shakespeare etc.) I would also add books for reluctant readers, like the Lovely Bones or Nick Hornby novels. And lots of poetry and books for the 'troubled kids' like Ellen Hopkins.
Well, the classics, of course. Jane Eyre, The Arabian Nights, Pride and Prejudice, a Separate Peace, etc. Also, I'd stock up on Stephen King (though I don't read his stuff - I get too scared - he's an amazing author).

雅思口语频道编辑感谢您阅读《 A Library》一文.本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《 A Library》。
Each of the guest rooms is decorated with contemporary furnishings and natural colours. If you prefer, you can also just sit on the sofa and browse through one of the library books.

素材库 explain what you like or dislike about this library?

My library has a website and I can reserve books any time I can get internet access. My library card number has an account and I can check there for when my book becomes available.
Put the books you want on hold or reserve so when they come in the library can notify you and you go pick them up and you can read them.You can also get the library to get books from surrounding libraries to reserve books for you. That is how I get some of my research books.
I get books from all over the country and I live in a rural area. I catalog and research antique violins and sometimes I need specific books that are very hard to find and certain library or university libraries will loan their books.
I can call ahead and reserve the books for whenever they are available. Then, when they get them in, they'll tell you and you can go get them. Most libraries will do this for you. I'd also try calling into other libraries like you said you are on the outskirts of a larger city.
Most libraries let you reserve the books you want. That'll put you on the waiting list so you're guaranteed to get the book when it gets checked back in.
The librarians are doing a good job by letting you check out the books you want, to check out, so you will go home with them.

偶然翻到明尼苏达州亨内平县图书馆(Hennepin County Library)的BLOG主页上,看到他们曾经向读者征询了一个类似的问题:

Be it big or small, how has Hennepin County Library changed your world, added to your life or, simply, why is the Library important to you?


The library brings the world to me. 1.MUSIC CD'S-I can keep up on the recordings of current artists. 2.MAGAZINES-keep up on current events, entertainment. 3.AUDIO BOOKS-I have time to 'listen to books instead of reading them. Also, the narrators do an excellent job of pronouncing certain words that I would normally skip over (like French names).

There is nothing more symbolic of American democracy and our freedoms then access to the public library system. Hennepin County Library system is the best! Thanks to every level of staff that make the Hennepin County Library system wonderful.

The Hennepin County Library is so important in my life because it is my haven to get away from my busy life. Here I can just hang out and relax with a great book for hours. Thank you so much staff for letting me come here and being myself!

The library encompasses entire needs of families. It offers children's story times, homework help and loads of books awaiting their minds. For adults, it can offer quiet time, computer use, book clubs, and the discovery that the knowledge of librarians is irreplaceable! (and faster than a Google search!) Libraries are a resource that give and give to our community and is affordable to all!

雅思口语频道编辑感谢您阅读《 A Library》一文.本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《 A Library》。

I love books and reading so much! Sometimes, it's really nice to be able to read a book or use a book for a school project without having to buy it. The library also has a lot of different authors whose books I never would have read if they hadn't been in the library. Thank you so much! Happy National Library Week!

I could get hold of many of my wish list books in this library and in a very convenient way. The well organized functioning or the library helps the members enjoy the books and other articles in a very convenient way. It's amazing, was my love of the libraries that encouraged me to get my masters in library science, just to know how it all works. My family visits a library at least once a week.

It has provided me with information from thousands of authors who have chosen to share their knowledge with the world. I sought out the meaning of life and now I'm writing a book about it as I wish to give back to the community from which I have taken.

It's an old quote, but a good one: "Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries." I love libraries in general, and HCL is one of the best in terms of responsiveness to its community and the ever changing world of accessing information.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! HCLIB is a wonderful resource than many communities would vie for and die to have! The library appeals to my most idealistic sense of what a free country is about, and I want to nominate the founder of our country's library system, Benjamin Franklin, as the Patron Sage of our library system. I can read nearly anything I want without having to own it, and when I do own it, I can donate it to the library when I am through! Does it get any better than that?! And I haven't even started to utilize all the magazines I could read from the library. HCLIB should run orientations so everyone can learn how much more they could be getting out of the system! After all this, I just want to add that I use and enjoy the library more than I ever did before since I can do so much on line. I am made happy every time I walk up to the doors of the library. It serves as a constant reminder that we CAN do some things right! Keep up the good work!


借书规则 Borrowing Rules

借书权利 Borrowing privileges

学生必须出示学生证到借书处办理结束手续。All students must use their Student ID Cards to borrow library materials at the Circulation Counter.
不可转借学生证给他人使用。Student ID Cards cannot be transferred to, or used on behalf of, other persons.
教职员工可使用教师电脑使用者名称借阅图书馆资源。All teachers and staff can use their computer login name to borrow library materials at the Circulation Counter.
续借 Renewals

在没有人预约的情况下,所有学生及教职员工可在书籍到期前续借书籍一次。All students, teachers and staff can renew the above materials once, provided that no hold request has been made for the same item by other users, or the item is not overdue.

雅思口语频道编辑感谢您阅读《 A Library》一文.本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《 A Library》。
预借 Holds

预借: 预约者可使用图书馆联机目录预留不多于5本的展出或已外借的书籍。Hold: Click "Reserve item" option in the On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). Users can place hold requests for books on display and books which have been checked out by other users. They can request up to 5 items.
取书: 预约者可使用图书馆联机目录收到预约提取通知单,当收到通知单后,预约者可到图书馆提取或等待图书管理员送上书籍。Pick-Up: The pick-up message will be shown in the user's borrowing record in the OPAC. Users can pick up their reserved items in the Library or the student-librarians can send the reserved items to the users.
遗失及损坏书籍 Losses and damages

借书者须妥善保管借出的书籍。如有遗失或损坏,必须购回原书籍或照书价双倍赔偿。Borrowers are responsible for any loss of or damage to items checked out. They may be asked to compensate the items by paying the double cost of items or buying new one.
偷窃处分 Punishment of theft of library materials

学生办理结束手续后,方可携带图书离开,否则当偷窃行为,交训辅组处理。All students must borrow library materials at the Circulation Counter before they leave the Library with these materials; otherwise the case will be treated as shoplifting and the students sent to Disciplinary Panel.
过期还书罚款 Overdue fines

过期还书罚款:每日每本1英镑。Overdue fines: £.100 per item per day.

雅思口语频道编辑感谢您阅读《 A Library》一文.

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