题目卡片:News Story that Made You Happy
Describe a news story that made you feel happy.
You should say:
what the news was about (= what happened)
where you got this news from
what people were involved in this news story
and explain why it made you feel happy.
考生一拿到这个题目,可能心里有点发憷,首先,它得是新闻故事, 其次还要让你开心的,貌似如果说电视节目会太牵强,而且很容易被考官识破,认为是背了模板,这样可能得分就不会很理想。所以,我们在审题和选材方面要做点功课。
Let the Bullets Fly
speaking of the news story which made me happy, the first thing coming into mind is the news story about “Let the Bullets Fly”, which is the hottest new year’s film from Director Jiang Wen.
And In this news story, it is said that a leading Hollywood studio has bought the rights to remake Jiang Wen's gangster movie. Besides, some guy, the TV presenter also said that Jiang has been invited to direct the remake. And I would have to say that the studio also said Jiang can select any famous film star in Hollywood. Since the news has been released, many people suggest that the leading bandit can be played by Johnny Depp, who has an outstanding performance in the Pirates of the Caribbean.
When I first heard this news, I was really excited and delighted about this news. And I guess this is probably because it proves that the Chinese films really improve greatly during recent decades, which is closely related with the government’s investment and support. Therefore, I am so glad that more foreigners can get to know China through the perspective of cultural phenomenon like film, which can bring more communication both home and abroad.
Honestly, this news really inspires me with the hope for Chinese films. What’ more I have to add is that I believe the film industry of China has a bright future.
我们首先对这个题目进行一些细致的分析,一般在Part2咱们都会碰到四个wh-的问题,所以在我们的表达中一定要告诉考官是在围绕这个问题来说,我们对这个问题有深层次的延展,而不是乱糟糟的信息碎片,因此必备的连接词是必不可少的,这样考官才会对你表达的信息有更足量的评判,从而获取理想的分数,比如在说到这个新闻故事的时候,咱们不妨可以这样说,speaking of the news story which made me happy, the first thing coming into mind is the news story about + what, which+…这样的表达不但可以体现衔接的流畅,而且可以体现语法的复杂性;which之后的信息可以直接将标题中的信息用定语从句转述出来.
And I would have to say that
And I shouldn't forget to mention that …
In addition to what I’ve just said, I can add that…
Apart from what I’ve mentioned, another key point is that
And I guess this is probably because…
This could be because…
This might be because…
This is due to the fact that …
I suppose the reason has something to do with the fact that…
有则新闻故事是这样的:贺岁影片《让子弹飞》从2010年12月16日上映,首映的票房就轻松超2亿,目前好莱坞正准备斥巨资来购买《让子弹飞》的翻拍权。而影片的火爆,也吸引了好莱坞的极大关注。尽管姜文心目中的好莱坞公司(指演员阵容)还未公布,但网友们已经开始在网上帮姜导做起了选择。角色张牧之重点在味道,“海盗 ”强尼戴普得票最多。