Section 1一个男的咨询女的关于一个Interserve Exhibit,全部是填空
1. Date for private visitors: 25th June 26th is just for business
Content of the Exhibition
2. Demonstrations of special computers 因为前后项的都大写,所以这个也大写了
3. Opportunities for people to use the products
Clinics for those who need expert advice
4. Bring prepared questions and specifications for computer hardware
6. Best way to book: on the internet
7. Fee for general public: $210 in advance ($180 is just for members)
Name of Building: 8. Skydome
Address: Maple Avenue, Toronto
Best way to go by 9. subway
No charge
10. No cameras allowed 不准带照相机
Section 2 新题
…find 1. research
only on 2. books
3. photocopies
Economic systems
…4. test
…interview ...laptop
Ask tutor arrange with problem for more time (考试时向老师申请更多时间,原文中提到extra time)
7. two essays 5. a summary
7.Communication system
9. case study 10. outline
1)research 2)management(*,瞎写的,听漏了,对了答案,我错了) 3)interview 4)summary 5)report(*,瞎写的,听漏了,对了答案,我错了) 6)time 7)two essays 8)Cummunication(大写) 9)case study 10)improvement(*,瞎写的,听漏了)
Section 4 08114 passion fruit of Indonisian economy
1-8 都是选择题,我觉得选择题有时候更难
1. passion fruit 生长在 : B certain altitude (题目不知道确切是什么,大概这个意思,是说passion fruit只在一定高度生长,原文里提到海拔800米以上)
2. A. noticblly increased (原文是说印尼某个地区(好像是West *)的产量与去年相比doubled了, 然后选项里面B.declined,C. ecceed ** proportion)
3. A.the weather (是说某个地区的生产受到某种因素的影响,我选weather的原因是因为他说因为climate的影响,只有在*月到*月passion fruit才能生长)B worm 同义替换 pest B
4. B. can be grown through the whole year (问题好像是问随着什么的进步,passion fruit在某个地区如何如何,我选B,但是C. the taste of passion fruit becomes better好像也有提及。)B
5 A.apperance of (问题好像是类似passion fruit 出口的劣势是什么, C. the unreality(可能是unreliablility这个单词,记不清) of transportation 这个应该是个干扰项,他最先就提这个,然后说因为运输的原因,所以时间久了,passion fruit的skin就没有那么attrative) A
6. C. it is addicted-free(单词可能拼错) (问题问为什么西方国家喜欢这个水果,原文提到没有添加任何化学物质)C
7. B.price unstable (为什么在出口上会出现shortage,我不确定这个选项,但是的确听到他说price fluctuated) 我选的B,应为那个男人说以后要replace old trees,所以排除了A
8. C. less reliable (问题是 compared to Kenya, in Newzeland, 我选这个是用排除法,第一选项说生产期比较短,但我记得我听到说Kenya是June to July,而Newzeland是Feb to July,第二个选项是most of them are domestic comsumped,但是原文提到95% are exported to South America,在这种情况下我才选C,但是好像没听到和c有关的信息
填空题,是讲这个产业的socio-economic effects
9 a sizable of workforce
10improve the use of land 肯定是