Writing Task One
据考生回忆,此次考察的题目是五个国家在2006年二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)的排放量(emission)情况说明。
表格题(Table)曾经出现在剑桥系列丛书B5P98“Underground Railway Systems”---单表格、B6P30“Global water use by sector”+“Water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000”---线图+表格、B7P30“Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category---2002”以及B8P30“Causes of worldwide land degradation”+“Causes of land degradation by region”---饼图+表格,针对此类题目,需提醒大家注意的是:仔细观察表格横行和纵列各自代表的意义,另外在body paragraph(s)写作的过程中,第一纵列内所列内容一个不能缺,具体如下:第一、开头introduction释义题目,变换题目words, phrases and sentence structure;第二、在写作body paragraph(s)时,注意“相似数据”描述以及“大小数据”比较论述;第三、conclusion段写作时,注意对body paragraph(s)数据客观解析部分进行总体趋势概述。
3-with the exception of
5-general increase/decrease
7-out of the total number of
8-in the percentage of
9-far more significant
10-in the same period
11-compared to
12-fairly stable
13-in comparison to
14-on the other hand
15-be scheduled to
1-The table shows that….
2-The opposite appeared to be the case.
3-The figures for both A and B were comparatively low.
4-Out of the total number of those aged over 65 and older, A saw a general increase.
5-C followed this trend.
6-This represented an increase of more than 10 per cent compared to A’s 5 percent and B’s 3 per cent.
7-A figure doubled in comparison to the percentage of….
8-C, on the other hand, remained constant with….
9-C had a lower proportion of….
10-Overall, it is clear that….
So far,Writing Task One无论是Bar Chart,Line Graph,Table,还是Pie Chart,拼图亦或是Map都有考察,Flow Chart/Diagram依旧未曾露面!常言道:More haste, less speed!还得继续make some cliché remark:革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力!只要“敌军”尚未露面,我们就不可放松警惕,要时刻做好迎敌的准备!只要用心练习好每一类题目,脚踏实地,一步一个脚印儿,并时刻铭记:Chance favors the prepared mind!考分必将如你所愿,因为我只相信一点一滴的量变industrious,终将成就你质变的辉煌illustrious!
Writing Task Two
City dwellers seldom socialize with their neighbors today and the sense of community has been lost.
Why has this happened and how to solve this problem?
1-city dwellers
2-socialize with
4-a sense of community
对于这种提出问题、分析问题并解决问题的题目,我们并不陌生,文章整体布局四段,namely,introduction, causes, solutions and conclusion,关键是第二段causes的整理搜集和第三段solutions的对症下药。现在邻里之间很少交流,首先,All sorts of people are swamped with their own employment, which leads to the fact that they can hardly set aside sizeable chunks of time to socialize with their neighbors.其次,信息技术的飞速发展使人们花在surf the internet上的时间越来越多,从而对人与人之间的关系产生了巨大的影响,we are all actually aware the great revolutions of the past 20 years are in the area of communications technology and this is having a profound effect on relationships. There has never been anything in human history like the personal computer. Who could have foreseen that in a short span of years, the internet would hold more information than all the books that had been produced in the world since writing began? But when we try to address the concepts of community in today’s world it is the manner in which computing has influenced the interaction between people that interests us.最后,犯罪率的居高不下,导致人与人之间缺乏基本的信任,这也促使了人与人之间交流的减少,we all share a fundamental need to belong and feel connected. And when this is missing, we should expect anything but love for people around us. We feel connected when we sense that we have something in common with a particular group of people. it may be that we share with them the same geography---we live in the same town---or that we share a passion for the same football team, the same political party, or because we are members of the same club. Community is that place where we feel a sense of belonging. Within our community, we experience our lives as having meaning. Being part of this group makes us feel we are part of something greater than ourselves. Without them, we feel painfully isolated; with them, we sense that we can achieve something greater than any one of us could on our own.
第三段在给出solutions时,注意围绕上述第二段的causes来写,可从个人、群体和政府这三个角度进行构思,communities are complex living things that have their own way of operating. Unless local people are actively engaged and accountable in bringing about change, innovations rarely become a regular part of daily life. While professional services are built around people’s deficiencies, a sense of community is built on an appreciation of people’s gifts. A sense of community depends on each of us being able to appreciate the relationships we have, no matter how inconsequential they seem, and to value the daily encounters with the people who provide the services that make our lives possible.
2-appreciate the relationships
3-value the daily encounters with
4-a sense of community
5-the scarcity of resources
6-experience our lives as having meaning
7-feel painfully isolated
8-something that get tragically lost in this era
9-there is a moment of profound grace when
10-cut right to the heart of everything that is wrong in the lives of these young people