2、有的家庭不买电视为了孩子有时间去创造发明,disagree or agree ?
■Version 47
小作文是写4个国家在工业,农业和家用用水的状况是个BAR CHART。大作文是写机器人是给人们带来好处还是危险。 今后intelligent machines象robots会越来越多的应用,它将能做许多人类能做的事。请讨论这种想法benefits和dagers。
task 1 is 4 column chart! showing the amount of water use in 4 countries in 3 categories(agriculture,household,industy). in agi. australia leads 1st, in household,industy, america is no.1 the U.K, no wonder a country full of gentleman, always the last one, japan strives for the 3rd place!
task 2 is the wildly using of robots will bring our human beings danger,use ur own view tell sb ur thoughts on it: a blessing or a curse?
■Version 46
Task 1,关于1970,1990,2010三个时代英国人在transpor(Cars & Pulic transport)和 communications(Postal services & Tele-communication)花销上的变化---柱状图. 很直观,很容易组织结构.20分钟搞定200字.
Task 2,是说现在有人用live animals进行research.有人觉得cruel and unnecessary;有人认为是可行的for the interests of human.Discuss the two views(注意,这很重要)题目很有代表性,如果比较爱看动物世界和探索类节目加上如果是半个动物保护主义者,肯定两方面都有话说.结构是典型的平衡型:开头,观点1,观点2,最后陈述自己的倾向.37分钟,400字.
■Version 45
TASK1,讲一个在KINGSTOWN里1996年到2001年外国学生的人数变化,分两方面UNIVERSITY和SECONDARY SCHOOL。简单。 A bar chart shows the change in the number of international students in universities and secondary school from 1996 to 2001.
TASK2,(大意)It is said that today people’s live are becoming increasingly stressful. What’s the reason of it occur and how to solve the problem?