p1 有关relax的 还有living in hometown p2 the best time in the day p3 timetable 还有balance for woking and family 还好准备了第二部分。在新西兰
Melbourne, RMIT. P1: where do you live, house or apartment. Which sport is popular in China? How often do you draw? What impacts do you think if an adult drawing? P2: sth difficult but u did it. P3: what challenge do u think that young adults face? Any Changes
澳洲悉尼科技大考场。part1.the place you live, how to keep healthy. part2.describe a film about a real person or real event. part3.一般这种film都描述什么真人或真事。为毛人们喜欢看描写政客的电影。等等等等。
墨尔本迪肯。口语part 1,study or work, Internet shopping, casual clothes, fashion, clothes prise in china. Part 2 tv program that you watch regularly. Part 3 why people watch movie on tv? Do you think cinema will disappear? Chinese people watch what tv shows ?
厦门RM301,第一部分,hometown,mobilephone,dance第二部分,a product U were dissatisfied with,第三部分product和online shopping男考官,目测是个美国人,会笑,不大苛刻
福州room304.part2 something u can learn from family members ,part3关于朋友和家人,你与他们相处过程中能学到什么。考官人很好,没答到点子上他会转换方式问你。
墨尔本NMIT下午口语考试:p1问姓名,来自哪里,你用互联网吗,用于什么方面,你家里人用吗。p2描述一个电影里或事件中的真实人物。p3 这部电影你会推荐给谁,演员成功需要具备什么,你人员著名演员才起到重要作用吗,你对卡通片中的人物有什么印象,会不会在将来替代演员。
武汉RM25 P1where do you live/ entertainment around最近娱乐方式/小时候娱乐方式 P2 an unusual job P3 选择工作的条件/男性女性的工作区别/为什么。。。主要就是围绕工作了
深圳rm5 part1 primary school. Part 2 tv program that you watch regularly. Part 3 why people watch movie on tv? Do you think cinema will disappear? Chinese people watch what tv shows ?
P1: hometown cards mobile phone;P2:sth you learnt from your family members;P3:what role should parents and grandparents play in children's development 南宁,一个很可爱的英国老头
北语。Part 1 work or study.entertainment.Part 2你想要买的车。
武汉 12考场 part1 internet part23 film about a real person
东南 323女的考官,说话有点快含糊 part2journey part3问关于出国旅游,中国人喜欢去哪个国家旅游,为什么出国旅游业扩大什么的,都是讲旅游方面的
广州 仲恺 阅读1讲农村旅游,有sumary选选项的 ,2讲生物钟,有填空型sum,还挺容易找,3讲发音变化的,有matching,就记得这么多了
郑州RM08 part1 wheredo u live.weekends.museum.part2 a person u enjoy talking to. part3 . communicatation skills.etc.哈哈,我觉得我口语讲得忘我了,没进考场时还觉得有点紧张。考官人很好,开始语速慢后来加快。
武汉26考场,可爱的老奶奶,口音很重。p1 full name sports ect. par2 difficult thing you did well what why what preparation for did well 木有讲完被停了 part3 what need prepare for thing do well, what difficulties for young people compare with older generations
北语rm202白头发老爷爷说话有点儿不清楚part1student major how to celebrate birthday part2 situaion to be polite part3 polite friendly honest的关系blablabla 什么时候要polite 什么时候要honest 小孩不懂polite谁教 会对朋友polite还是honest