要解决选择题型一定要把握住听力的出题思路,即它的核心考查方向:Listening Comprehension(听力理解)。选择题的难度在于,在几秒钟的反映时间中排除众多细微的差别以及干扰项,选择正确的答案。而解题的基础是读题,读好题相当于解了一半的题。读题一方面能找好Keywords(关键词),让我们了解题目的内容,明确听题的侧重点;另一方面也可以让我们通过一些技巧在未听录音的时候“排除”其中一个选项,降低我们做题的难度。
例一:Cambridge 4 Test 1 section 3
The lecturer says that reasonable excuses for extensions are
A. planning problems
B. problems with assignment deadlines
C. personal illness or accident
答案 C来源:考试大
解析:题目中问的是讲师说延迟考试的合理的理由是,A选项说的是计划问题,B选项是作业的截至时间,C选项是生病或者意外事件。根据common sense完全可以不听题目选对答案C。
例二:Cambridge 4 Test 1 section 3
Melanie could not borrow any books from the library because
A. the librarian was out
B. it was a really big assignment
C. the books had already been borrowed
(1)A, B和C三个选项都出现,其中两个为干扰项
例三:Cambridge 4 Test 4 section 2
To find out how much holidays cost, you should press button
A. one
B. two考试大-中国教育考试门户网站(www.233.com)
C. three
答案 B
解析:本文中我们说了如何找到关键词和如何排除选项,很明显本题无法排除选项,那么我们就必须主动出击,重点就在关键词的把握,很显然本题的关键词为 cost,而button可以帮助我们定位。通过听录音If you want to hear about special offers, please press one. If you want to hear our latest price lists, please press two. If you want to make a complaint, please press three. 我们听到price选定了B,排除A和C两个干扰项。
例四:Cambridge 4 Test 4 section 2
Travelite currently offer walking holidays
A. only in Western Europe
B. all over Europe
C. outside Europe
答案 A
解析:通过读题我们不能排除选项,但是可以迅速找到关键词currently, only, all和outside,题目很有可能围绕现在、过去和未来三个阶段说出三个关于欧洲的不同的范围,如果我们听题前能预判出考点,那么我们会对考点更加敏感,大大提高做题正确率。如本题录音中提到We offering walking holidays throughout the whole of Western Europe. We are planning to open our first centre outside this area in the coming year. 果然不出所料,陷阱就处在现在与将来,如果对考点不够敏感,会觉得A和C都出现过,不知如何选择。
例五:Cambridge 4 Test 4 section 2
The walks offered by Travelite
A. cater for a range of walking abilities
B. are planned by guides from the local area
C. are for people with good fitness levels
答案 A
解析:根据录音Each day we offer three separate walks catering for all skills and fitness levels. 我们找到了其中的一个关键词cater for作为定位,而它后面的all与a range of同义,所以本题考点在替换,选A。
所谓替换也就是出现在题目中的关键词和关键词组不会在你听到的录音中直接出现,而是以同义或近义的表达来替换出现。常见的替换有but替换however, cope with替换deal with, because of替换due to, city替换urban等等。替换陷阱在每套题中都会频繁出现,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生们在做剑桥系列真题时,一旦遇到替换陷阱就应单独列在笔记本上,化零为整系统了解雅思常见的替换陷阱,加大对替换陷阱的敏感度。
例六:Cambridge 4 Test 4 section 2
Entertainment is provided
A. when guests request it
B. most nights
C. every night
答案 B 解析:本题由于B和C选项极其相似,所以这种情况下我们可以直接排除另外一个答案即A。B和C的区别在于most和every,所以考生可以这两个词为关键词,非常有针对性的听录音。Entertainment is laid on nearly every night. 我们发现因为有nearly这个小的细节,所以选B。Nearly这种细节也会作为考点设置在填空题中,一般配合数字让考生痛不欲生。类似的还有 over/about/approximately等,如果考生只写了数字没有加这里的小细节,那么就如这道题选了C一样成为错误答案,差之毫厘,谬以千里。 三、黯然销魂型
例七:Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 2 Question 17
What does the speaker say about university accommodation on campus?
A. Most places are given to undergraduates.
B. No places are available for postgraduates with families.
C. A limited number of places are available for new postgraduates.
读题:题目中找到关键词accommodation on campus.
选项ABC中的undergraduates, postgraduates with families和new postgraduates分别是三个选项的名词主体,可以帮助区分选项;另外,most, no和limited分别是对三个名词主体进行限定的形容词,可以成为选项对错判断的依据。
录音:One or two of you touched on the subject of accommodation earlier, so I’ll just add a few point. It is the university’s policy to give priority in the allocation of residence places to three categories, and those are, visiting students, exchange students and new postgraduate students. However, demand exceeds supply, so there’s still a need to put your name down early for campus accommodation, particularly, if your family is accompanying you.
解析:最初出现的accommodation帮助定位。随后,new postgraduate students引导视线到C选项,在听到demand exceeds supply并进行同意转换后,确定C是正确答案(供不应求就是limited的意思)。后面,出现干扰内容:if your family is accompanying you, 调整视线到B选项,但根据选项中的形容词no可以判断B的内容与录音不符(录音中强调的是有家庭成员陪同位置就更有限,B选项说的是有陪同就没位置),因此B是一个干扰项。
例八:Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 2 Question 20
With regard to their English, the speaker advises that students to
A. tell their lecturers if they have problems understanding.
B. have private English lessons when they arrive.
C. practice their spoken English before they arrive.
录音:One or two of you ask earlier about your level of spoken English, obviously most of you have already achieved a lot, I wish I could speak your language half as well. Having said that though, I’m afraid the lecturers will make little or no allowance for the presence of non-native speakers in the audience, so anything you can do to improve your spoken English, even beyond the pretty high level most of you have already reached will make your stay with us that bit more fun for you. Some extra practice before you arrive is worth more than, for example, private lessons afterwards when you won’t really have time.
解析:通过最后一句Some extra practice before you arrive is worth more than, for example, private lessons afterwards… 可判断正确答案为C,录音通篇未提A,这是因为这样的选项组合出题意图就在于用BC来进行干扰,如果答案为A则不能利用到BC的干扰作用,无法达到出题目的。
Cambridge 4 test 2 Q19
The number of students counselled by the service last year was
A. 214
B. 240 C. 2600
Cambridge 4 Test 4 Q37
The average number of sharks caught in nets each year is
A. 15
B. 150
C. 1500
答案 B
Cambridge 6 Test4 Q31
When did Asiatic lions develop as a separate sub-species
A. about 10000 years ago
B. about 100000years ago
C. about 1000000 years ago
答案 B考试大-中国教育考试门户网站(www.233.com)
Cambridge 6 Test4 Q33
Asiatic lions disappeared from Europe
A. 2500 years ago
B. 2000 years ago
C. 1900 years ago
答案 B
通过对剑桥真题的统计,发现数字题有70-80%选B。这可以理解为是一种巧合,也可以理解为因为数字题的选项在录音中一般都是正序出现的,上来在A的时候就给你正确答案不现实,最后在C处才给你正确答案又太变态,所以一般会选中间选项B作为正确答案,而在其前后即AC选项中设置陷阱,符合一般“正常” 人的思维逻辑。