● 预测适用时间:
● 预测适用考区:
● 预测适用类别:
最新考试回顾 REVIEW
● 雅思听力
Section 1 = 旧题 V09146 Section 1(二级预测 命中)
Section 2 = 旧题 V110305 Section 3(一级预测 命中)
Section 3 = 两名学生讨论做旅游survey
Section 4 = 旧题 V100515 Section 4(一级预测 命中)
● 雅思阅读
↘Passage 1—社会演化过程
↘Passage 2—塔斯马尼亚老虎(预测命中)
↘Passage 3—科学的偶然性
● 雅思写作
3月9日A类雅思写作小作文考到了Bar chart,凉月在3月9日预测中点出“A类小作文预计Table或Line的可能性较大,适当关注Bar”,目前考了Bar,14日的考生要注意 Table或Line.大作文为教育类,凉月在3月9日预测中点出第一类重点即为教育类。
task1——Bar chart——Average hours of housework done by women (unemployment, part time, full time) and full time working men.
task2——教育——Some people believe that studying in a college or university is the best way for students to prepare for their successful career. However, others prefer to get a job as soon as leave school to develop their career through work experience. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
task1——邀请信——一封给好友的信,说拿到了一个SPORT EVENT的票,邀请朋友来看,要说明票怎么来的,这个EVENT是什么,以及为什么你的朋友会喜欢这个EVENT.
task2——教育——Some people believe that the best way to protect environment is to reduce the amount of air travel. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
● 雅思口语
主要Part 2话题:
an advertisement
a foreign language(not English)you want to learn
a teenager you know
a library you often go to
a recent change in your life
an old person you like to talk to
a film about the future
a book you want to read again
a wrong decision made by someone you know
a vehicle you want to buy
something you bought but were not satisfied with
a garden
a website you often use
a polite person you know
a song you like
a town or city you have visited as a tourist
a crowded place you have been to
a useful electronic equipment
a skill you have learnt from a family member
a film about real people or event
an experience when you were late
a traditional event in your country
a sport event
a good neighbour
a gift you gave to other people
a TV program you often watch
a performance or show you enjoy watching