Topic39. describe a leisure center
PART3:What’s the difference between people in city and people in countryside have leisure activities.
Topic40. describe someone who you like to travel with
l 去国外旅游有什么影响
l 一个companion要具备什么素质
Topic41. Describe a family member
Topic42. Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in
PART3:rural area通常住些什么人呢?rural area会变得怎么样in the future?
l 城市未来会变得咋样?城市会变得更大还是更小呢?
l 你觉得城市和乡村最大的区别是什么?你觉得乡村比城市差在哪里呢?
Topic43. Describe one experience you work with some others
l 用什么方式培养小孩的合作精神
Topic44. 描述你所在学校的建筑
Topic45. 历史景点 184
l 人们喜欢游览名胜古迹的原因是什么;你觉得人们更喜欢去那一种呢;
l 商务or娱乐去旅行的区别;
l 中国人为什么喜欢去历史名胜景区;怎么了解历史;政府该保护历史名胜吗;
l 有些人喜欢把这些拍成电影,你觉得好吗;你觉得有些人在拍电影的时候,为了有更好的效果,会改变一些内容,这样对吗;
l 参观历史景点时应该免票吗?
Topic46. 一个家用电器(不能是电视或电脑)
PART3:What kind of electronic machine do people have in their home?
l How has electronic machines changed people's life?
l Compare the ancient machine and modern machine;
l What machines will be like in the future?
l Do old people like to use them as young people do?
l Do you think people are forced to accept electronic machine or have a chance to refuse it?
l 机器与电子产品的区别;