A类小作文分析:今天的图表作文是动态图中的柱状图,两组对比对象(男女性/不同年龄段)。因此在写作的过程中不仅要注意趋势的描写,还要注意不同年龄段以及男女性之间的对比。同时也要注意不同年龄组的替换表达方式。具体写法可以结合剑5的test2 以及剑6的test 4 关于柱状图的写作。
分析:2月13日的考题属于教育类,最近教育类话题一直是重点,希望同学们也要重点关注。就此题而言,正反方观点的确认难度稍微增加了些,但是只要考生仔细审题,把握基本原则,一般情况下是不会跑题的。我们把“instead of sending them to school”这个部分暂时去掉,会发现题目的双方分别是:1. It isgood forparentsto educate their children at home; 2. It is badfor parents to educate theirchildren at home.
Domestic learning seems to be an increasingpopularity these days, and a number ofeducationalists have different opinions overwhether it is of benefits or drawbacks for parents tochoose home learning.Personally, based on distinct circumstances, this trend proves to beadouble-edged knife.
On the one hand, there are many advantages oflearning at home and high learningefficiency is one of them. Parents are moreactive to manage to satisfy an individualistic learningpattern of theirchildren, for example, by observing the academic performance, learninghabitsand attitudes towards different subjects. However, this cannot be achieved inlarge-scaledclass teaching. To be more specific, common students at schoolhave limited choices to learnwhat they are enthusiastic about in comparison tothose who are allowed to have home study,they are given the advantage todevelop various potentials in study such as talent in arts or inscience. Lesspressure is considered to be another ameliorative point in this respect. Forthosewho are vulnerable inside, learning subjects at home are thought to be agood way to avoidpeer pressure. While at educational institutions, learningmotivation is likely to be inhibited byself-consciousness, thus hinderingknowledge acquisition.
On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Firstly, apartfromtheoretical knowledge, other developments including those regarding socialskills andphysical growth are the big worries. Since adolescents are exposedto a comparatively closedlearning environment, it is of little chance for teamwork and PE programs. There is alsoteaching quality to be considered as well,parents who have not been trained professionallyusually could not providesystematic teaching outlook and learning difficulties cannot beaddressedstrategically in most cases, this may lead to a demotivation of young learners.
To conclude, every coin has two sides, and thisis the same case with domestic learning.What adults need to remember is tofind appropriate solutions to combat the problemsidentified above. (329 words)