请将雅思作文的各个部分回答完整。Answer all parts of the question
这一点很多老师在我们的公开课中都有强调,可惜很多雅思考生们还是花费大量的精力在词汇句式的堆砌上。忽略这一点的重要性。Task Response是四项评分标准中最容易提高的一项,考官明确说明,如果你的文章没有回答全部问题,你的TR这一项的分数不会高于5。
合理分配雅思写作时间。Timing and Blocking
确定你每段都有中心句。A topic sentence for each paragraph
同义词替换的技能要掌握好。Use synonymous and paraphrase
高频词的同义词替换是写作词汇部分提分的重要技巧。不要重复用相同的词,同义词的使用会向考官展现你词汇运用的range。这里考官强调注意一下替换词的“性质”。想表达positive的词义就用positive的词去替换,反之用negative。小站考雅君给大家举个例子,表示“影响”的词,effect多用作积极意思,而impair多用作消极层面的影响。替换influence 的时候要选对性质。如果你的词汇量没有那么大,那就学会掌握paraphrase的技巧,用一句话去解释你想说的词,顺便还能用个从句或者分词结构增加一下句子多样性。
最后考官强调,想在写作中拿高分,你一定要知道考官的expectation是什么。即使是一个native speaker, 如果他对雅思考试完全不了解,他也不一定能拿到很好的分数。因此掌握雅思考试的评分标准至关重要。
One of the main problems is that the students don’t address entire questions, and you can’t get over 5, if you don’t address all the questions for task response.
On the day, when you get your question, read it thoroughly, examined it, dissect it, what it is asking you to do, and probably ask you to do the minimum 2 things, maximum 4 things, make sure you cover all the elements of the question.
Timing is essential, you are only given 40 minutes roughly for writing task2, writing task1 is 20 minutes. Plan your work, take the time, take at least 2 to 3 minutes to plan your work before you actually start writing. Also you can do the math. Writing the task1 and you are asked to write 150 words, if you break 150 words down into 4 paragraphs, that’s 35 words per paragraph.
Generally sum, if there are 10 words per sentence. So if you are writing a 3-sentence-paragraph that’s 30 words, if you need to write 50 words in one paragraph that’s 5 sentences. So you can block it, my first paragraph is going to be 3 or 4 sentences, my last paragraph is going to be 2 to 3 sentences, so you can block it out see it first before you write it.
Make sure that each paragraph has a topic sentence, it jumps out as the reader when they read your piece of writing, if you have a strong topic sentence, it jumps out, it sends a message that you know what actually it is what you are writing about, and also that helps you focus on that paragraph. One topic sentence, one paragraph, 3 supporting sentences, based on that topic sentences.
Referring from repeating the same word over and over again, there are many synonyms for the same word, use them.The use of increase once, use go up and then use rise or decrease, go down, fall, try not to repeat vocabulary.The words for business or businesses, ok, then you can talk about companies, cooperations, ask yourself is the word I want to substitute to, it is positive or positive words, if it is the positive words, you replace with the positive words, for the negative words replace with the negative words.
You don’t necessarily have to have a broad range of vocabulary just to score high on the writing test, as long as you have the ability to paraphrase, so even you don’t know the specific word, you can describe that meaning of that word.
When you sit down and if you don’t take it seriously on the day, even if you are a native speaker, you probably won’t do as well as you thought you would, so you have to go with the mind said..that this is the exam and I have to meet their criterial of that exam, know what the expectation is and meet that expectation as best as you can, and it is not out of reach for anybody really but have the babble that what the expectation is.