考题难度:中偏难 | |
Passage 1 | |
题目 | Saving the Date Palms |
话题分类 | 自然科学 |
题型及对应数量 | 判断题:7个 填空题:6个 |
内容回忆 | 埃尔切城市的枣棕榈树的实验介绍,生长背景,克隆树在秘鲁、伊朗、埃及的引入,改良后更甜更大的果实,灌溉系统与未来。 一、 判断 1. Elche was the first place to grow date palms. FALSE 2. Cloned elche produced greater number than other varieties. NOT GIVEN (没提到其他variety,只说了in the wild) 3. TRUE 4. Tools used in Elche were similar to those elsewhere. FALSE 5. It is hard to tell the difference between climbing ropes and ordinary cord. TRUE 6. It was rewarded World Heritage because of beauty of its surrounding regions. FALSE 7. Tourists surprised due to the huge number of date palms. TRUE 二、 填空题: 8. The date palm trees were introduced to Peru, where they had never been grown before. (原文第2段) 9. Date palm trees would be brought to Iran and Egypt for its problems of diseases. 10. Date Palm trees in Elche is regarded as a museum.(第7段同义替换) 11. There are about 200,000 in the Elche center. (第7段) 12. Gates control the flow of the river (第8段) 13. 200 millimeters |
Passage 2 | |
题目 | Culture in West Africa |
话题分类 | 人文科学 |
题型及数量 | 段落信息配对题:8个 多选题:2个 填空题:3个 |
内容回忆 | 欧洲文化与非洲文化异同,家庭结构.住房类型、家族观念传承,祖先崇拜、文字、教育特点和体系。 一、 段落信息配对题: 14. spiritual beliefs common in West Africa E 15. link between heredity and occupation F 16. subjects children conventionally learned H 17. restriction on social relationships C 18. link between custom and geographical features G 19. definition of a term for relationship between generations C 20. a form of writing important to certain areas F 21. use of domestic buildings B 二、 多选题:22-23 22. Which two are mentioned by the author about African education? C usually starts at maturity of children 替换puberty 23. E mainly conducted by family members 三、 填空: 24. The family in west Africa rely mostly on farming.2段 25. People from noble lineage become leaders.3段 26. The annual precipitation in the local area is about 200. |
Passage 3 | |
题目 | Mastery of Multitasking |
话题分类 | 社会科学 |
题型及数量 | 1. 有选项填空题:5个; 2. 单项选择题:5个; 3. 判断题:4个 |
内容回忆 | 概念、不同科学家研究、不符合大脑运行方式、浪费时间、技术下成长起来的小孩,危害,未来预测 一、 有选项填空题: 27. practical 28. excited 29. promoted 30. questioned 31. interrupted 二、 单项选择题: 32. Rene Marois believed that C multitasking slows people’s choice between tasks 33. brain scans show what differences between people multitasking and those who do not 34. Russel Poldrack believed that multitasking A forces people to think in an unnatural way 35. The author included Kaiser Foundation to show that A how fast multitasking is growing 36. william James thinks that a mature mind D can refocuses after distraction 三、 判断题: 37. People desired to be more concentrated now. FALSE 38. In the future, rate of gadget development will speed up. NOT GIVEN 39. In the future,people may be accustomed to over-stimulation. YES 40.Overall effect of multitasking on society may be negative. YES |
Passage 1
题型及对应数量T/F/NG(判断题) 7
Short Answer Questions(填空题) 6
1. 城市扩张需要这种石油去取代传统能源 True
2. 提取这种石油成分的科学家对于生产这种能源没有兴趣。 False
3. 很多人声称提取出来的成分是可以用来治疗疾病的。 NG
4. 研究人是相信这种成分是可以作为燃料来使用的。 TRUE
5. In the 1985s, 装这种石油的容器比这种石油本身要贵。 TRUE
7. 第一条管道的建立收到了工人的抵制。 TRUE
8. 创建的公司叫什么名字。 standard oil
9. oil refiners
10. 一个人从亚洲运回的除了油还有什么东西。 sugar
11. 运输用的红的桶使用什么材料制成的。 Welsh tin
12. 为什么做慈善,因为得了 关节炎
13. 在什么领域进行了投资: Medical research
Passage 2
题目Yawning 打哈欠
题型及数量段落信息匹配 5
细节信息匹配 4
Summary(填空题) 4
1. C imagining leads to yawning
2. D occupation and inclination to yawning
3. A overview of research
4. B body temperature and yawning
5. B disapprove of a theory
19-22) Matching
6. B not difference in gender
7. C mental disorder
8. A the way we breathe
9. B trained yawn more than the untrained
10. bond
11. danger
12. rest
13. a communication system
Passage 3
题目Cinematographer 新西兰电影
题型及数量Y/N/NG(判断题) 4
Multiple Choices(选择题) 5
Summary(填空题) 5
1. cinematographer 作用是帮助观众把关注点放在导演希望他们注意的点上。 YES
2. cinematographer 和director关系差 NG
3. 电影摄影师需要艺术和技术方面的能力。 YES
4. 两个人(一个摄影师一个女演员)工作时关系差。 NG
5. 文章讲新西兰电影是为想要说明什么: 说明新西兰早期电影比较简单,跟其他国家比,较差。
6. 讲的一部新西兰电影(两个单词开头都是B) 这个电影跟新西兰其他电影相比取得了突破,比较成功。
7. 还是说这部新西兰电影,说摄影师用了什么拍摄手法: 用比较个人的风格展示了一个国家,城市和人民
8. 讲问一个导演的第二部电影,(摄影师换了,换成了新人,手法比较写实,跟上一部不一样),选的是这部电影有unique version.
9. 讲的还是这个导演第三部电影,问作者觉得他这部电影不好在哪里:故事线过于松散story line(loose).
36-40) Summary(选词填空)
10. 文章讲了70年代电影关注countryside,选项rural areas
11. 文章讲难度在environment, 选项:weather
12. 讲解决问题的:rental company
13. 还有一个问题是通过解决,文章说management,选项是:good leadership
14. 最后一个是新西兰电影从业者与世界其他地方比的优势:文章说大家一起合作。选项是greater equality